Cookie Policy

Cookies are tiny files of text that a website saves on your computer to improve your browsing experience. Cookies can remember a user’s preferences, save their information for use in a shopping cart, and provide tracking data to third-party apps like Google Analytics in an anonymous form.

In general, cookies improve the quality of your online experience. You can choose to remove cookies on this website and others if you like. The best way to accomplish this is to prevent your browser from accepting cookies. If you need assistance with cookies, check out the About Cookies website or the Help menu of your browser.

We employ cookies to improve your experience on We also briefly describe potential third-party services that are not covered by this policy but may employ cookie technology in some capacity.

If you don’t want to accept cookies from, you may tell your browser to stop doing that; but, if you do this, you may not be able to access some or all of the features and functionality of our site.