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Top 10 Best AI Content Detectors

by | Aug 12, 2023

Over the past several years, significant strides have been achieved in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. A significant number of website proprietors and authors are exploring the use of AI-powered article generators.

As a direct consequence of this, artificial intelligence content detectors have as well quickly become quite popular. These tools are designed to assist you in distinguishing between information that was made by humans and that which was produced by machines.

If you wish to maintain the information you publish devoid of artificial intelligence, then using these kinds of technologies can be of tremendous benefit to you. In many situations, this is no longer obvious at a cursory scan.

In this piece, we will analyze and contrast eight of the most well-known AI content detectors now available on the market by utilizing the identical piece of text.

We will compare the performance of the various detectors and then debate whether or not it is worthwhile to use them. Let’s get to it!


ai detector, writer ai content detector

You are able to produce written content and synthesize audio recordings with the use of the Writer program. Writer not only provides tools for the development of material, but it also provides a function that is designed to assist users in identifying content that was generated by artificial intelligence.

The Writer AI detector’s intuitive interface makes it simple to use. Writer allows you to copy and paste up to 1,500 words of text or input a URL, and it will then determine the probability that a human being was the author of that work.

During the course of our test, Writer identified one piece of text as containing 96% human-generated material, whereas the other was identified as containing 83% human-generated information:

During each of the tests, each and every piece of writing that was provided was entirely produced by AI. The incorporation of percent lends the impression that this tool is more accurate than certain of its rivals, but the actual outcomes are self-evident.

Writer is typically outclassed by more contemporary content-generation technologies such as ChatGPT in most contexts.

ai content detector

Does Writer actually work?

The vast majority of artificial intelligence-generated material is invisible to Writer. The tool will occasionally provide suggestions for changing the text to ensure it appears to be written in a more “human-like” manner; but, it will not offer detailed recommendations on what should be changed.


copyleaks ai content detector

Copyleaks is a startup that offers solutions for the detection of plagiarism as well as grading and AI-powered content identification.

The program provides a plugin for the Chrome web browser which allows you to test information everywhere on the internet in order to determine whether or not it was created by artificial intelligence.

It also comes with an API interface, which enables you to use the testing tools straight within your website or any other platform that you are utilizing in your job.

The tool that Copyleaks provides has a good track record when it comes to its degree of precision. The same AI created sentences that baffled both the OpenAI Text Classifier and the AI Writer were identified as having a likelihood of 93.7% and 86.8% respectively of being written by an AI:

That is not a guarantee that the Copyleaks AI content identification tool is error-free, though; it does have certain issues.

During the course of our evaluations, their AI detector identified totally human-generated material as being “unlikely to have been written by a human.”

The fact that you may personally designate the outcomes of this tool as correct or wrong is a positive aspect of it.

Copyleaks has the potential to become more useful over time if its creators make use of the information provided here to make the software more accurate.

Does Copyleaks actually work?

When it comes to identifying AI-related articles, Copyleaks has a high degree of accuracy. It is not entirely true, but every piece of writing that we produced with ChatGPT was identified as having been authored mostly by a computer.


gptzero ai content detector

GPTZero is now one of the most often used alternatives available in the field of AI content detectors.

It was developed as a reaction to ChatGPT, and it evaluates the content you input based on two criteria: “perplexity” and “burstiness.” The unpredictability of the words that are utilized is what is measured by perplexity, while the variance in perplexity is what is measured by burstiness.

It is to be predicted that humans would write in a manner that is far more unpredictable compared to that of an AI or LLM.

During the course of our experiments, GPTZero was able to accurately determine that the two texts were totally produced by AI:

Additionally, GPTZero identifies key terms that it believes are more probable to have been produced by an artificial intelligence. In all honesty, the instrument might produce incorrect findings on occasion.

During one of our tests, it identified a portion of the American Declaration of Revolution as having been produced by artificial intelligence.

In spite of this, GPTZero provides findings that are, for the most part, accurate, and it is the only tool we’ve seen so far that provides a warning that it may yield false positives.

This information is crucial because, as AI content production continues to advance, AI content detectors will find it increasingly difficult to keep up and provide correct evaluations.


Does GPTZero actually work?

GPTZero performs an excellent job of recognizing information that was produced by ChatGPT. It also cautions customers against blindly trusting artificial intelligence content detectors, thus rendering it an easy product to promote.


sapling ai detector

Sapling is a company that provides a suite of completion solutions for websites in addition to items that improve grammar. An AI content detector that comes in both free and paid versions is one of the company’s solutions.

The free alternative does not need you to sign up for an account; nevertheless, the amount of text that may be checked is capped at a certain length.

The tool itself has been taught to recognize text that was produced using the most recent generation of GPT models. During the course of our evaluations, it gave us “Fake” scores of both 100% and 97.8%:

These results are quite accurate taking into account that both of the texts were completely created by AI and did not undergo any changes.

In addition to this, Sapling presents a summary of the findings and emphasizes the portions of the text that it identifies as having been produced by an artificial intelligence.

You may test bits of text everywhere on the internet by using Sapling’s free extension, which you can download from their website.

Access to an API, which may be utilized for the automation of testing, is included with the premium plans offered by this business.

sapling, ai detector

Does Sapling actually work?

During the evaluation, Sapling showed nearly flawless performance. The only drawback to using this platform is that it restricts the amount of text that can be tested to a certain length, a minimum on the version that is free.

On the other hand, it is not the only platform that can accomplish this, and in order to use the free version, you are not need to register for an account.


zerogpt, ai detector

In spite of the fact that they share a name, GPTZero and ZeroGPT are two entirely distinct pieces of software.

This AI detection service is provided by a firm that also sells other products related to artificial intelligence, such as one that enables you to communicate with ChatGPT via messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram.

In spite of the fact that it was accurate at first, this tool frequently mistakes natural human material for that which was produced by AI.

Again, it was the Declaration of Independence that caused it to make a mistake, scoring a result that was 68.1% created by AI.


Does ZeroGPT actually work?

In general, ZeroGPT is able to properly recognize artificial intelligence-generated text.

However, it also highlights human-generated information on a frequent basis and can assign a high probability to it being authored by AI. Because of this, it is hard to put any faith in the outcome overall.

Content at Scale

content at scale ai detector

Content at Scale promotes itself as an artificial intelligence (AI) aided writing tool that also takes into consideration search engine optimization (SEO). Nevertheless, the skills of its content generating are not what we are here to evaluate today.

In addition to its primary service, material at Scale provides users with access to a free tool that scans websites for material that was created by artificial intelligence.

During our experiments, it identified both of these cases as having a very high probability of being produced by AI:

When evaluating a piece of written content, Content at Scale considers a number of criteria, one of which is how predictable the selection of words is and whether or not it fits “known” patterns.

This model is quite similar to the one that GPTZero utilizes, with the exception that it uses a different algorithm. GPTZero AI content detector also marks particular paragraphs and phrases as suspicious if there is a possibility that they were created by AI.

In principle, this should make it easier for you to identify text that was produced by AI. Nevertheless, when we were doing these tests, the AI detector incorrectly identified a portion of the American Declaration of Revolution as having been written by an AI (despite the fact that we are very certain this is not the case).

ai detector

Does Content at Scale actually work?

When it comes to identifying artificial intelligence-generated text, Content at Scale has a good level of accuracy.

It gives texts a score based on a number of measurements (although it does not specify what they are that measure), and it marks particular paragraphs and phrases as “suspicious” if it believes that those sections or phrases contain potentially malicious content.

However, despite the generally excellent outcomes, there is a possibility that some of the warning flags are wrong.


crossplag ai detector

Small enterprises and educational institutions can take use of the plagiarism detection solutions provided by Crossplag.

On its website, it offers a free tool that can be used to evaluate textual content for signs of artificial intelligence. This application analyzes a piece of text and provides you with a percentage indicating the likelihood that it was produced by artificial intelligence (AI).

During the course of our test, Crossplag determined that one of the samples had an 84% chance of being AI.

Nevertheless, the result of the second example was 4%. That is the equivalent of the conclusion that “This text was primarily written by a human”:

We revisited the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America so that we could do more testing on Crossplag. A portion of the tool’s text was identified as having been created by an AI at a rate of 50%.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware that the quantity of text that may be checked on Crossplag without an account is restricted.

During the course of our research, we were only allowed to do two trials before being compelled to register for a free account.

ai content detector

Does Crossplag actually work?

According to the results of our studies, Crossplag is occasionally capable of properly detecting text that was created by AI. On the other hand, it invariably produces incorrect results, whether using AI-generated language or content written entirely by humans.

AI Detector by Duplichecker

duplichecker ai content detector

Duplichecker ai detector is a cutting-edge technology that effectively applies AI capabilities to the field of content detection.

Duplichecker ai detector is highly regarded by users due to its efficient and precise capability in detecting AI-generated content, thereby guaranteeing the genuineness and uniqueness of written material.

Duplichecker AI detector has been specifically developed to offer real-time detection of AI-generated content, thereby serving as a valuable resource for individuals seeking prompt verification of the authenticity of their content.

The rapid and dependable analysis of this tool makes it an effective partner in maintaining the integrity of your content.

content detector

Key Features:

  • Excellence in the AI content detection market
  • Artificial intelligence content detection in real time
  • Separation between Robot and Human Written Word

Duplichecker AI detector offers authors the­ convenience of scanning diffe­rent types of content.

Use­rs can choose to input information directly on the we­bsite’s front end, integrate­ it using the API, or employ the Chrome­ extension for scanning specific URLs.

Best For:

If you are a conte­nt writer, editor, or digital markete­r in need of quickly assessing the­ Duplichecker detector of your content, Duplichecker AI detector is an excelle­nt tool for you.

Its real-time dete­ction capabilities make it highly valuable in high-pre­ssure situations where time­ is of the essence­.

In addition, it proves to be bene­ficial for SEO and brand managers who rely on authentic mate­rials to uphold their online prese­nce. Furthermore, it offe­rs user seats for enhance­d team collaboration and productivity.

AISEO Content Detection

aiseo content detector

AISEO is a comprehensive platform that provides a range of tools, including its AI Content Detector. AISEO is designed to analyze text and identify patterns that are characteristic of content generated by artificial intelligence.

The platform provides a variety of tools, with the AI Content Detector being particularly noteworthy for its ability to preserve the integrity of digital content.

The remaining portion of the platform can be utilized for the purpose of generating AI-driven content through efficient and streamlined workflows.

ai detector

Key Features:

  • Useful for creating search engine optimized content
  • Effective and simple to use.
  • Reporting that is both thorough and straightforward

Every tool within the AISEO product is specifically designed for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.

Undoubtedly, the creation of high-quality and unique content is imperative in achieving that objective. AISEO assists writers and content marketers in ensuring the freshness of their content to meet their specific requirements.

Best For

The AISEO AI detection tool is a great choice for content marketers and editors who want to make sure their content is authentic.

This software is highly effective for analyzing substantial amounts of content and is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a tool that can offer comprehensive insights into the originality of their content.

The advanced writing features of this product make it an excellent option for businesses seeking to produce high-quality content. It is advantageous for professionals in the field of SEO to prioritize the maintenance of unique content in order to uphold the SEO rankings of their website.

Price: Limited free tiers, premium plans beginning at $19/month.

OpenAI Text Classifier

With the release of ChatGPT 3, OpenAI quickly rose to become an among the most recognizable firms in the entire globe. When compared to other AI tools, the Large Language Model (LLM) is light years ahead when it comes to content generation, question answering, website creation, and issue solving in general.

Since then, OpenAI has released ChatGPT 4, which is a far more advanced version than previous iterations. A program known as AI Text Classifier is also available for free from the same business.

The artificial intelligence-based content detector that we will examine first is this one. It gives you the ability to detect whether a certain text was written using an artificial intelligence program or not.

In order to evaluate the performance of the AI Text Classifier, we generated two summaries of arbitrary notable events using ChatGPT 4.

In the event that you have not yet utilized this instrument, the following passage from one of those publications will give you an idea of what it is capable of doing:

This might very well be mistaken for an update on a news story that was generated by a human being. Although it is not the most interesting or engaging information, it is grammatically correct and simple to comprehend. According to the results of our tests on the production of content by AI, that already says a lot.

You may use the AI Text Classifier by navigating to the tool’s main page and inputting the text that you wish to analyze into the appropriate box.

In one particular instance, the tool categorized one of our test texts as “Very unlikely to be AI generated,” whereas the other was classed as “Unlikely to be AI generated”:

This specific result comes as a surprise given that we are use a tool developed by OpenAI to validate the content that ChatGPT generated.

It is important to note that in order to provide the detector with a larger amount of data to work with, we selected many instances of texts that were of varying lengths.

Does OpenAI Text Classifier actually work?

Based on our tests, it became clear that OpenAI’s AI Text Classifier does not produce reliable findings when used for AI identification.

Every piece of text that we generated with ChatGPT 4 was given a score indicating whether it was improbable or highly unlikely that it was produced by an artificial intelligence.

Go to Text Classifier

Which artificial intelligence “ai content detector” is the best?

In our assessment, the AI content detector that stands out as exemplary is Sapling.

The pricing structure is based on usage, ensuring that you are charged reasonably and only for the months when the service is utilized. Additionally, it aids in AI content analysis and detection of plagiarism, both of which are essential for content management.

GPTZero is a highly valuable resource for educational institutions as well. Businesses that are interested in utilizing AI detection for their content teams, as well as leveraging AI for customer support and sales, should take into consideration the solution provided by Sapling.

The AI content detection feature is an additional tool included in their AI support product.

If you are interested in determining whether Google is likely to classify your text as low-quality, ensuring that your writers are fulfilling their obligations, or verifying that your content is not plagiarized, these AI content detectors can assist you in swiftly analyzing text using state-of-the-art technology.


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